Home A New Continent Design State Visions Invitation




If you have investigated this site starting with a new continent and how we believe it can be created, moved on to become immersed in design, and then to looking at details of the running of the state, you will by now hopefully have many ideas buzzing around in your head. 

You will see that it is a very practical project, with loads of opportunities, and all that it lacks is a collection of views as to how different people see it developing.

Within this visions sections we have asked a variety of people to think about various islands they would like to see, and to write them up not as a design statement but as a report from a visitor looking around. As clearly none of this exists it is all a dream or a vision, some may be more practical then others, and some may be more interested in engineering achievements while others more excited about the living style.

As many reports or visions cover a variety of topics or islands it is difficult to divide this in the way we have other sections of this web site, and so we have chosen to have just a few sub headings and index pages directly from these. As we have not duplicated entries it is a good idea to look through many of them, for example houses or homes feature in very many.

Original section

This has some information as to early designs or ideas, many parts of this may have now been modified, or dropped, generally as the technical problems were solved the designs got larger, wider dreams developed and some features then became impractical.

The ideas referred to below are ideas from different people. They are not necessarily endorsed by New Atlantis. Please do not assume that any ideas presented here are necessarily our policy, or stated by us to be an option we will approve.

The information is provided so as to make you think, and give you material to discuss.


Communities are where people live, homes, apartments etc, perhaps it includes more.


These generally relate to theme islands, but may also contain amongst them some homes.


Visits takes another view, a look at the floating kingdom through the eyes of a visitor. Again obviously imaginary at this point, but allowing different views of the floating kingdom to develop.

Remember you can send us your visions, which we may include in full or part. We never identify the authors so you can allow your imagination to flow freely.

Try to keep any ideas you put forward practical, and feasible, but don't feel two restricted the idea is to make people think and to encourage them to come up with their own ideas and to think about what they would like to do. Of course once you drafted the idea up, you may want to actually develop it instead of using it as a vision.

Layout guide

An ebook called the floating kingdom layout guide defines connections, heights, distances between islands and other layout details and is updated regularly. To see how to get hold of a copy select Books from the very top of this page.

Finding other links

We have a new extension to this 'build' site at this will give you direct links to special project sites looking at current research, to pages within some of our other web sites that are relevant and co-operative sites or people who you may like to work with.



Copyright New Atlantis.
For problems or questions regarding this web contact
Last updated: October 09, 2002.