IntroductionIn order for the kingdom to function we need a large number of services, like any civilization, the only real difference is that we are starting from scratch, rather then inheriting older technologies, plant etc. Similar to a rapidly developing or new town, we have a constantly expanding need, so scalability is important. You will discover we have some additional services to a conventional land based community and some services not provided. In addition we treat the defending wall as a service, although it may also house residential or other units as well. Standard interfaceIslands need to be able to be plugged together, so that most of the services can pass through, servicing the island and on to the next. The services are:-
Layout guideAn ebook called the Floating Kingdom Layout Guide defines the latest position in relation to services, connectors, connecting heights and layout, together with distances between islands and much more. See the 'Books' link at the top of this page to see how to get hold of a copy. More InformationThe way the services will be provided is explained in provision and the way it is paid for is covered under the state main heading, then services sub heading. |
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