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Recovery is the title we have given to the recycling and refuge disposal side. We have no land fill sites, and will not allow any pollution or disposal into the ocean.

It therefore follows that a considerable amount of thought has to be given to recovery.


Some items  could be returned to suppliers for example  recycled bottles to wine shops via the post tube when empty containers are going back. We also will be looking to suppliers to collect and recover old items when replacements are delivered, for example furniture, fridges, etc. Likewise they would expect to return these to manufacturers who would have the ability to disassemble them and dispose of parts.

Packages should be minimized, partly achieved by using the postal tube for deliveries but also by encouraging suppliers to cut down on unnecessary packaging.

Food waste, garden waste and similar will go to composters, which will produce earth in which trees, and plants grow and gardens will be built. 

Fresh water that is waste will be kept separate from sewer water, be cleaned up and provided back as a b grade water for watering gardens and uses that do not require drinking quality water. Sewer and sea water flush will be cleaned up so that clean sea water is discharged and all  waste products dealt with, producing natural fertilizer or utilized in some other way. Using bacteria and methane production will be looked at.

The items that are left are paper, plastics and cans. paper and plastics will be removed and bailed for reprocessing and the cans cleaned and either returned in a compressed form for reforming or possibly converted within a recovery plant to wire mesh used for construction of islands.


It is unlikely that the amount of recovery we are looking at can be done economically, by that we mean that the value of materials recovered are unlikely to pay for the system fully.

Instead we are looking at it as a service, which is partly offset by the income from some recovered items.

The way we propose to run this is to allow a number of recovery companies to be licensed, and these will provide containers with sections and collect from them on a very regular basis. Users will be able to select which company they wish to use and will be billed monthly by these service companies. 

In a similar way you will choose which supplier you wish to get water from and will dispose of water waste for you, and pay on a metered volume basis. Water and treatment facilities will be provided by licensed suppliers who will share a common delivery and recovery system and fund the maintenance of the delivery systems in proportion to their use.

A few items may also carry an import recovery tax to allow for their eventual disposal later, where return to the supplier is unlikely. We are still considering this we don't like taxation and prefer to allow people to choose the services they use, or make it the responsibility of suppliers to reprocess old units when replacements are obtained.

Should people leave the kingdom or for some other reason have to clear their property, then the company they are contracted with for recovery would also recover all surplus items, and would build this into their charging structure.

We would expect the service to actually end up being in effect retailers of services and those that carry out the tasks for them. The master license for recovery will require the service companies overall to have twice the capacity they normally need and sufficient storage to handle any breakdown.

Their license will also specify the absolute zero pollution rule. Under no circumstances will pollution or ocean dumping be allowed. Any breach of this would mean they would immediately lose their license.

We are currently looking with others at setting up a separate site specifically looking at the areas of recovery and recycling, covering everything from energy recovery, and insulation to recycling and water purification.


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Last updated: October 09, 2002.