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Overview of Bermuda largely based on Encyclopedia Britannica.


Bermuda islands, in the Atlantic ocean.

It consists of around 300 small coral islands, of which around 20 are inhabited. Two thirds of the area of the islands is accounted for by a few islands that are linked together by a causeway. Land mass is in total 53 sq Kilometers. Some islands have been extended into the ocean to house airfields etc. the capital Hamilton is on the largest and central island, this has a natural harbor. Many of the islands have natural Lagoons, making them ideal for bathing, sailing, fishing and water sports.

Over half of the population have descended from slaves brought from Africa



Bermuda is a self governing British colony with a parliamentary style of government.

Its 1968 constitution identified the British monarch, represented by a governor as the head of state. In the future it is likely to become completely independent. In concept the governor maintains control over external affairs, defense, internal security, police but acts on the advice of the cabinet lead by the premier.

The Premier is the head of government, and the leader of the largest party elected to the legislature, which is made up of the house of assembly with 40 members, and the senate with 11 members. The members of the house of assembly are elected for a term of up to 5 years. Members of the assembly are appointed, 5 on the advice of the premier, 3 on the advice of the leader of the opposition, and 3 by the governor alone.

Local government is made up of 9 Parishes. 

The government derives most of its income from property and tourism taxes.


Average life expectancy is 73 for men and 79 for women. There is a compulsory hospitalization insurance, and old age, disability and survivor pensions. Education is free and compulsory between 5 and 16, there is a junior college and government scholarships to overseas colleges.


Based on tourism and international finance it has one of the higher gross national per head of population in the world, and is still increasing.

To the overall economy agriculture is of minor importance and most food is imported. Fresh vegetables, bananas, citrus fruit, milk, eggs and honey is produced within the islands, large numbers of lily bulbs and flowers are grown, mostly for export to the USA. There is a small fishing industry. 75% of imports come from the USA.

Some local minerals for building are produced and there are a small number of light industries including printing, paint manufacture, pharmaceuticals, and electronics.

Over 500,000 tourists visit Bermuda every year, with the largest number coming from the USA. Most arrive by air, but large numbers of cruise ships also call.

It has very low income tax, and this has lead it to become an important offshore financial center, with insurance companies and investments companies choosing it as their base.


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Last updated: October 09, 2002.