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Ideas to consider

We have discussed in the pages on power generation using OTEC's, how electricity can be produced by sea temperature difference, and how as a bi product fresh water can be produced, leaving the thicker sludge or powder mix of elements.

Consider for a moment, that we were to take the sludge mix, which has the material we want to form the seacrete in a concentrated form. How can we use this to produce seacrete faster or more economic, while still retaining its properties, strength etc. Could we separate out the different elements and by any other process produce structural material.

In this sludge there is both gold and platinum, how can we extract this economically?

Sludge as an export

The sludge bi product, if it turns out to offer no better conversion than we can get from seawater still could be developed for a process that would allow this sludge to be taken to parts of the world that required such material but did not have a supply of sea water, so that the same process could be used in land.

For the future

One day perhaps we will discover the process used by shell fish, and will then be able to create seacrete with all types of patterns completely naturally without the need for wire.


What we are basically able to say is that once established a community could expand and build more structures, produce fresh water, protein and convert this to other food forms, and have considerable power, either to provide electricity or to produce hydrogen for engines, all from the sea.

Plus we get gold, platinum etc, and surpluses that could be traded.

All of this is just about untapped at this time, and we are confident a great deal more is still to be discovered.


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Last updated: October 09, 2002.